Understanding your betrayed spouse

Understanding your betrayed spouse

This PDF is written for unfaithful partners to understand how to deal with the partner they have betrayed. Unfaithfulness can come in many forms, but is always accompanied by a betrayal of trust. Your partner trusts you to be their partner. Without this there may still be some sort of partnership, but it is not the emotionally fulfilling, loving relationship that most of us aspire to.  I’m fully aware that people have different types of relationships,and I’m not saying any of them are ‘wrong’, simply that the general societal and cultural opinion that prevails in most parts of the world direct us towards monogamous partnerships where each partner supports the other in a mutually beneficial way, and includes an emotional connection.  That’s a lot of words to define a partnership. When I write like this I’m normally trying to be accurate rather than quoting from some grand unnamed source. It’s also normally what I believe. You can define it your own way, I do not claim to be a final word. 

If you have betrayed your partner, as I have, I believe it is incumbent on you to work very, very hard to help them come to terms with that betrayal. If you want to stay with your partner, as i do, it becomes incumbent on you to work even harder to rebuild the trust that once existed. 

On the other hand, if you don’t care about the betrayal of trust, you may want to think about whether you deserve an emotional connection with other human beings.